a photograph showing a newsstand booth displaying two ad posters advertising Psykologkompassen psychology office; the posters present people walking in wilderness and text in Swedish meaning "Where do you want to go? We will lead you there." and "What do you do when you feel lost?"
  • Logotype design
  • Brand identity

The name of the company derives from the psychological need for an inner compass. In order to feel satisfied and fulfilled, humans need to have a purpose. It can guide and support them, especially when they need to decide which road to take in their life journey.

Psykologkompassen's name itself resonates with the very essence of purpose – that magnetic pull that draws us towards fulfillment. We intertwined this concept into every visual element, so clients could feel the North Star of purpose in every interaction.

The visual communication is connected with the name behind meaning and corresponds with the beauty of North Swedish nature. Each visual element tells a tale of discovery, mirroring the journey of those seeking direction amidst life's vast landscape. I wanted to tell a story of a person seeking a right pathway for themselves, finding a way in life and embracing the process.

Our branding was a catalyst, turning a mere company into a compass that points to purpose. Clients aren't just customers; they're explorers, and Psykologkompassen is their trusted guide.

Psykologkompassen logo presented as a sticker on a window glass
a wrapping paper with the pattern made out of Psykologkompassen logo symbol
a close up of two hands passing each other business card with details of the owner of Psykologkompassen
a stationery set presenting Psykologkompassen branding, including two sides of the business card, a black folder with the logo, a piece of branded paper and a white pen
an image explaining the symbolism behind the logo of Psykologkompassen - shows the elements that the symbol corresponds to, such as a human, crossed paths, a star and a circle

It has been a great pleasure and very inspiring to hire Aleksandra. She has listened, asked and listened again. She has created a logo that I am happy and proud of. A unique logo - a symbol that tells what my company stands for. I can warmly recommend her.

- Monika Söderlund, CEO